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Epigamia Greek Yogurt contains no preservatives and artificial flavours and has a truly natural taste. Real fruit pulp is used and some amount of sugar is added to it. @epigamiayogurtproducts are free from chemicals that are often used in industrial preparations to thicken it. It is also nutrient dense. A 90g serve of Epigamia greek yogurt provides 140mg calcium and and 6g of protein. The live culture of bacteria (contains S.Thermophilus, Lactobacilus bulgaris), mentioned among the ingredients, lends it a unique, mildly tangy unique flavour. The acidity of the product is controlled by arresting the fermentation process (by freezing) and additionally by removing the whey water.

The creators have been quite experimental in their flavours — aside from plain yogurt (natural), they have created tantalizign flavours like- blueberry, honey banana, alphonso mango, minty chaat, mulberry, pineapple and strawberry.
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